Yes, all investments can be turned into cash within a day. There are never any back-end fees or penalties although a small transaction fee may apply. It is important to note that marketable securities fluctuate and there can be no market performance guarantee.
Madden is a fee-only advisor and fees are charged based on the percentage of assets under management for services rendered. Our fee is clearly defined in our initial client meetings. At the end of each calendar quarter the fee is calculated by multiplying the average account value in the quarter against 1/4 of the annual management fee. Fees are taken from the account by the custodian and then forwarded to Madden. The management fee appears quarterly on the account’s statement, and on Madden’s quarterly report.
Yes, we manage many individual retirement accounts (IRAs) and Rollover IRAs (transfers from a former employer’s 401k plan). We can prepare the paperwork for your signature to order a direct transfer of assets from your present custodian to your new account.
Most of the time we can’t manage your 401(k) or other retirement assets. If you are a client of ours, we will help you develop the best portfolio you can, using the available funds in your retirement plan—we charge no fee for this service.
Madden does not require clients to liquidate their assets. Positions in qualified accounts and small positions in taxable accounts are routinely sold. Larger positions and concentrated holdings do require greater diligence. In most instances, during the discovery process, Madden determines whether that full or partial liquidation is necessary. Madden is sensitive to tax liability and realizes the importance for clients to have their portfolios adjusted to accurately reflect risk tolerances and overall financial objectives.
Madden, at no fee, offers advice and access to top 529 plans as a service for clients to procure for their children, grandchildren, and nieces or nephews.
Madden advisors are available by phone or appointment at any time. Some of Madden’s clients meet quarterly and some clients find it sufficient to meet once a year. The Madden staff assures clients that they should be comfortable calling whenever a concern related to their financial life is on their mind.
Certainly. We have clients living outside of Illinois, and some of them have never visited our offices. With technology, clients can get all the benefits of our services by communicating with us and maintaining an account via telephone, fax, regular mail, e-mail, and the Internet.
Feel free to contact us using our contact form, or by phone at 708-848-3200, or by email at We are happy to assist you in any way.